
What are the top 10 global humanitarian crises currently ongoing?

What are the top 10 global humanitarian crises currently ongoing?

The top 10 global humanitarian crises currently ongoing, as classified by the United Nations and various humanitarian organizations, include:

1. Yemen: The ongoing conflict in Yemen has led to severe humanitarian consequences, including widespread food insecurity, malnutrition, and displacement. It is considered one of the world’s worst humanitarian crises.

2. Syria: The Syrian conflict, which began in 2011, has resulted in immense suffering for the population, including millions displaced, widespread destruction, and a lack of basic services like healthcare and education.

3. Afghanistan: Ongoing conflict, political instability, and economic challenges have contributed to a protracted humanitarian crisis in Afghanistan, with widespread displacement, food insecurity, and limited access to healthcare and education.

4. South Sudan: Political instability, armed conflict, and economic challenges have led to a humanitarian emergency in South Sudan, with millions displaced, food insecurity, and a lack of access to basic services.

5. Democratic Republic of Congo (DRC): The DRC faces a complex humanitarian crisis due to ongoing conflicts, displacement, and high levels of violence. It is associated with food insecurity, malnutrition, and limited access to healthcare.

6. Ethiopia: Ethnic tensions, armed conflicts, and climatic challenges have resulted in a humanitarian crisis in parts of Ethiopia. This includes massive population displacement, food insecurity, and limited access to basic services.

7. Central African Republic (CAR): The Central African Republic is experiencing a protracted crisis marked by armed conflict, violence, and political instability, leading to displacement and restricted access to healthcare and education.

8. Venezuela: A political and economic crisis in Venezuela has resulted in a significant humanitarian emergency, including severe food and medicine shortages, lack of access to healthcare, and mass migration.

9. Myanmar (Burma): The Rohingya crisis in Myanmar has led to a massive displacement of Rohingyas to neighboring Bangladesh, where they live in refugee camps amidst extremely difficult conditions. The crisis involves widespread violence, discrimination, and persecution.

10. Nigeria: Ongoing conflict between government forces, armed groups, and communal violence have led to a humanitarian crisis in Nigeria. This includes displacement, food insecurity, and limited access to healthcare and education.

Please note that the ranking may vary based on different sources and the evolving nature of humanitarian situations.


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